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Bruno 33

Criar checkbox em cada dia do mês no calendário

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Tenho este código que cria o calendário:


var Calendar = function(o) {
  //Store div id
  this.divId = o.ParentID;

  // Days of week, starting on Sunday
  this.DaysOfWeek = o.DaysOfWeek;

  console.log("this.DaysOfWeek == ", this.DaysOfWeek)

  // Months, stating on January
  this.Months = o.Months;

  console.log("this.Months == ", this.Months)

  // Set the current month, year
  var d = new Date();

  console.log("d == ", d)

  this.CurrentMonth = d.getMonth();

  console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

  this.CurrentYear = d.getFullYear();

  console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);

  var f=o.Format;

  console.log("o == ", o);

  console.log("f == ", f);

  //this.f = typeof(f) == 'string' ? f.charAt(0).toUpperCase() : 'M';

  if(typeof(f) == 'string') {
    this.f  = f.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
  } else {
    this.f = 'M';

  console.log("this.f == ", this.f);

// Goes to next month
Calendar.prototype.nextMonth = function() {
  console.log("Calendar.prototype.nextMonth = function() {");

  if ( this.CurrentMonth == 11 ) {
    console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

    this.CurrentMonth = 0;

    console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

    console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);

    this.CurrentYear = this.CurrentYear + 1;

    console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);
  } else {
    console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

    this.CurrentMonth = this.CurrentMonth + 1;

    console.log("this.CurrentMonth + 1 == ", this.CurrentMonth);


// Goes to previous month
Calendar.prototype.previousMonth = function() {
  console.log("Calendar.prototype.previousMonth = function() {");

  if ( this.CurrentMonth == 0 ) {
    console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

    this.CurrentMonth = 11;

    console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

    console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);

    this.CurrentYear = this.CurrentYear - 1;

    console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);
  } else {
    console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

    this.CurrentMonth = this.CurrentMonth - 1;

    console.log("this.CurrentMonth - 1 == ", this.CurrentMonth);


Calendar.prototype.previousYear = function() {
  console.log(" ");

  console.log("Calendar.prototype.previousYear = function() {");

  console.log("this.CurrentYear == " + this.CurrentYear);

  this.CurrentYear = this.CurrentYear - 1;

  console.log("this.CurrentYear - 1 i.e. this.CurrentYear == " + this.CurrentYear);


Calendar.prototype.nextYear = function() {
  console.log(" ");

  console.log("Calendar.prototype.nextYear = function() {");

  console.log("this.CurrentYear == " + this.CurrentYear);

  this.CurrentYear = this.CurrentYear + 1;

  console.log("this.CurrentYear - 1 i.e. this.CurrentYear == " + this.CurrentYear);


// Show current month
Calendar.prototype.showCurrent = function() {
  console.log(" ");

  console.log("Calendar.prototype.showCurrent = function() {");

  console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);

  console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

  this.Calendar(this.CurrentYear, this.CurrentMonth);

// Show month (year, month)
Calendar.prototype.Calendar = function(y,m) {
  console.log(" ");

  console.log("Calendar.prototype.Calendar = function(y,m){");

  typeof(y) == 'number' ? this.CurrentYear = y : null;

  console.log("this.CurrentYear == ", this.CurrentYear);

  typeof(y) == 'number' ? this.CurrentMonth = m : null;

  console.log("this.CurrentMonth == ", this.CurrentMonth);

  // 1st day of the selected month
  var firstDayOfCurrentMonth = new Date(y, m, 1).getDay();

  console.log("firstDayOfCurrentMonth == ", firstDayOfCurrentMonth);

  // Last date of the selected month
  var lastDateOfCurrentMonth = new Date(y, m+1, 0).getDate();

  console.log("lastDateOfCurrentMonth == ", lastDateOfCurrentMonth);

  // Last day of the previous month
  console.log("m == ", m);

  var lastDateOfLastMonth = m == 0 ? new Date(y-1, 11, 0).getDate() : new Date(y, m, 0).getDate();

  console.log("lastDateOfLastMonth == ", lastDateOfLastMonth);

  console.log("Print selected month and year.");

  // Write selected month and year. This HTML goes into <div id="year"></div>
  //var yearhtml = '<span class="yearspan">' + y + '</span>';

  // Write selected month and year. This HTML goes into <div id="month"></div>
  //var monthhtml = '<span class="monthspan">' + this.Months[m] + '</span>';

  // Write selected month and year. This HTML goes into <div id="month"></div>
  var monthandyearhtml = '<span id="monthandyearspan">' + this.Months[m] + ' - ' + y + '</span>';

  console.log("monthandyearhtml == " + monthandyearhtml);

  var html = '<table>';

  // Write the header of the days of the week
  html += '<tr>';

  console.log(" ");

  console.log("Write the header of the days of the week");

  for(var i=0; i < 7;i++) {
    console.log("i == ", i);

    console.log("this.DaysOfWeek[i] == ", this.DaysOfWeek[i]);

    html += '<th class="daysheader">' + this.DaysOfWeek[i] + '</th>';

  html += '</tr>';

  console.log("Before conditional operator this.f == ", this.f);

  //this.f = 'X';

  var p = dm = this.f == 'M' ? 1 : firstDayOfCurrentMonth == 0 ? -5 : 2;

  /*var p, dm;

  if(this.f =='M') {
    dm = 1;

    p = dm;
  } else {
    if(firstDayOfCurrentMonth == 0) {
      firstDayOfCurrentMonth == -5;
    } else {
      firstDayOfCurrentMonth == 2;

  console.log("After conditional operator");

  console.log("this.f == ", this.f);

  console.log("p == ", p);

  console.log("dm == ", dm);

  console.log("firstDayOfCurrentMonth == ", firstDayOfCurrentMonth);

  var cellvalue;

  for (var d, i=0, z0=0; z0<6; z0++) {
    html += '<tr>';

    console.log("Inside 1st for loop - d == " + d + " | i == " + i + " | z0 == " + z0);

    for (var z0a = 0; z0a < 7; z0a++) {
      console.log("Inside 2nd for loop");

      console.log("z0a == " + z0a);

      d = i + dm - firstDayOfCurrentMonth;

      console.log("d outside if statm == " + d);

      // Dates from prev month
      if (d < 1){
        console.log("d < 1");

        console.log("p before p++ == " + p);

        cellvalue = lastDateOfLastMonth - firstDayOfCurrentMonth + p++;

        console.log("p after p++ == " + p);

        console.log("cellvalue == " + cellvalue);

        html += '<td id="prevmonthdates">' + 
              '<span id="cellvaluespan">' + (cellvalue) + '</span><br/>' 

      // Dates from next month
      } else if ( d > lastDateOfCurrentMonth){
        console.log("d > lastDateOfCurrentMonth");

        console.log("p before p++ == " + p);

        html += '<td id="nextmonthdates">' + (p++) + '</td>';

        console.log("p after p++ == " + p);

      // Current month dates
      } else {
        html += '<td id="currentmonthdates">' + (d) + '</td>';
        console.log("d inside else { == " + d);

        p = 1;

        console.log("p inside } else { == " + p);
      if (i % 7 == 6 && d >= lastDateOfCurrentMonth) {
        console.log("INSIDE if (i % 7 == 6 && d >= lastDateOfCurrentMonth) {");

        console.log("i == " + i);

        console.log("d == " + d);

        console.log("z0 == " + z0);

        z0 = 10; // no more rows

      console.log("i before i++ == " + i);


      console.log("i after i++ == " + i);            

    html += '</tr>';

  // Closes table
  html += '</table>';

  // Write HTML to the div
  //document.getElementById("year").innerHTML = yearhtml;

  //document.getElementById("month").innerHTML = monthhtml;

  document.getElementById("monthandyear").innerHTML = monthandyearhtml;

  document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = html;

// On Load of the window
window.onload = function() {
  // Start calendar
  var c = new Calendar({


    Months:['Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro' ],


  // Bind next and previous button clicks
  getId('btnPrev').onclick = function(){

  getId('btnPrevYr').onclick = function(){

  getId('btnNext').onclick = function(){

  getId('btnNextYr').onclick = function(){

// Get element by id
function getId(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id);


Mostro o resultado na imagem:




Pretendo agora criar 4 checkbox em cada dia do mês no calendário e inserir numa tabela da base de dados. Alguém tem uma ideia como o posso fazer? Também mostro o que pretendo na imagem abaixo:


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Movido: PHP -> HTML e CSS.


Apesar de construir seu calendário com JavaScript, sua dúvida parece ser HTML.

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13 horas atrás, Maujor disse:

Poste a marcação HTML

Só tenho esse código... onde criar o calendário como mostro na imagem. Agora dentro desse código pretendia criar as checkbox e colocar  a inserir numa tabela da base de dados

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      Boa tarde,
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      Tentei assim mas é claro que está errado...
      public function store(Request $request, Admin $adminModel) {         $dados = $request->validate([             "name" => "required",             "email" => "required|email",             "password" => "required",             "registration" => "required"         ]);         $dados["password"] =  Hash::make($dados["password"]);                  $admin = Admin::where("registration",  $dados["registration"])->first();                  if ($admin)              return                    redirect()->route("")                             ->withErrors([                                 'fail' => 'Administrador já cadastrados<br>, favor verificar!'                   ]);                            $newAdmin = $adminModel->create(                                    $dados['name'],                                    $dados['email'],                                    $dados['password'],                                    $dados['registration']                                 );         dd($newAdmin);         $adminModel->save();         //$adminModel::create($admin);                  return redirect()->route("")->with("success",'Cadastrado com sucesso');     }  
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      se estiver para letra maiúscula ====> não funciona
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