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Usar câmera traseira do celular

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Olá pessoal, tudo certo?!

Estou com um código que está funcionando bem. Mas gostaria de que a câmera traseira do celular fosse a padrão.

Abaixo segue o código, caso possam me ajudar a efetuar esta alteração.

Desde já, agradeço!

(function () {
    var video = document.querySelector('video');

    var pictureWidth = 640;
    var pictureHeight = 360;

    var fxCanvas = null;
    var texture = null;

    function checkRequirements() {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();

        //Check if getUserMedia is available
        if (!Modernizr.getusermedia) {
            deferred.reject('Your browser doesn\'t support getUserMedia (according to Modernizr).');

        //Check if WebGL is available
        if (Modernizr.webgl) {
            try {
                //setup glfx.js
                fxCanvas = fx.canvas();
            } catch (e) {
                deferred.reject('Sorry, glfx.js failed to initialize. WebGL issues?');
        } else {
            deferred.reject('Your browser doesn\'t support WebGL (according to Modernizr).');


        return deferred.promise();

    function searchForRearCamera() {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();

        //MediaStreamTrack.getSources seams to be supported only by Chrome
        if (MediaStreamTrack && MediaStreamTrack.getSources) {
            MediaStreamTrack.getSources(function (sources) {
                var rearCameraIds = sources.filter(function (source) {
                    return (source.kind === 'video' && source.facing === 'environment');
                }).map(function (source) {
                    return source.id;

                if (rearCameraIds.length) {
                } else {
        } else {

        return deferred.promise();

    function setupVideo(rearCameraId) {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();
        var videoSettings = {
            video: {
                optional: [
                        width: { min: pictureWidth }
                        height: { min: pictureHeight }

        //if rear camera is available - use it
        if (rearCameraId) {
                sourceId: rearCameraId

            .then(function (stream) {
                //Setup the video stream
                video.srcObject = stream;

                video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function (e) {
                    //get video width and height as it might be different than we requested
                    pictureWidth = this.videoWidth;
                    pictureHeight = this.videoHeight;

                    if (!pictureWidth && !pictureHeight) {
                        //firefox fails to deliver info about video size on time (issue #926753), we have to wait
                        var waitingForSize = setInterval(function () {
                            if (video.videoWidth && video.videoHeight) {
                                pictureWidth = video.videoWidth;
                                pictureHeight = video.videoHeight;

                        }, 100);
                    } else {
                }, false);
            }).catch(function () {
                deferred.reject('There is no access to your camera, have you denied it?');

        return deferred.promise();

    function step1() {
            .done(function () {
                //Enable the 'take picture' button
                //Hide the 'enable the camera' info
                $('#step1 figure').removeClass('not-ready');
            .fail(function (error) {

    function step2() {
        var canvas = document.querySelector('#step2 canvas');
        var img = document.querySelector('#step2 img');

        //setup canvas
        canvas.width = pictureWidth;
        canvas.height = pictureHeight;

        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

        //draw picture from video on canvas
        ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0);

        //modify the picture using glfx.js filters
        texture = fxCanvas.texture(canvas);
            .hueSaturation(-1, -1)//grayscale
            .unsharpMask(20, 2)
            .brightnessContrast(0.2, 0.9)

        window.texture = texture;
        window.fxCanvas = fxCanvas;

            //setup the crop utility
            .one('load', function () {
                if (!$(img).data().Jcrop) {
                        onSelect: function () {
                            //Enable the 'done' button
                } else {
                    //update crop tool (it creates copies of <img> that we have to update manually)
                    $('.jcrop-holder img').attr('src', fxCanvas.toDataURL());
            //show output from glfx.js
            .attr('src', fxCanvas.toDataURL());

    function step3() {
        var canvas = document.querySelector('#step3 canvas');
        var step2Image = document.querySelector('#step2 img');
        var cropData = $(step2Image).data().Jcrop.tellSelect();

        var scale = step2Image.width / $(step2Image).width();

        //draw cropped image on the canvas
        canvas.width = cropData.w * scale;
        canvas.height = cropData.h * scale;

        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
            cropData.x * scale,
            cropData.y * scale,
            cropData.w * scale,
            cropData.h * scale,
            cropData.w * scale,
            cropData.h * scale);

        var spinner = $('.spinner');
        $('blockquote p').text('');
        $('blockquote footer').text('');

        // do the OCR!
        Tesseract.recognize(ctx).then(function (result) {
            var resultText = result.text ? result.text.trim() : '';

            //show the result
            $('blockquote p').html('&bdquo;' + resultText + '&ldquo;');
            $('blockquote footer').text('(' + resultText.length + ' characters)');

     * UI Stuff

    //start step1 immediately

    function changeStep(step) {
        if (step === 1) {
        } else {

        $('body').attr('class', 'step' + step);
        $('.nav li.active').removeClass('active');
        $('.nav li:eq(' + (step - 1) + ')').removeClass('disabled').addClass('active');

    function showError(text) {

    //handle brightness/contrast change
    $('#brightness, #contrast').on('change', function () {
        var brightness = $('#brightness').val() / 100;
        var contrast = $('#contrast').val() / 100;
        var img = document.querySelector('#step2 img');

            .hueSaturation(-1, -1)
            .unsharpMask(20, 2)
            .brightnessContrast(brightness, contrast)

        img.src = fxCanvas.toDataURL();

        //update crop tool (it creates copies of <img> that we have to update manually)
        $('.jcrop-holder img').attr('src', fxCanvas.toDataURL());

    $('#takePicture').click(function () {

    $('#adjust').click(function () {

    $('#go-back').click(function () {

    $('#start-over').click(function () {

    $('.nav').on('click', 'a', function () {
        if (!$(this).parent().is('.disabled')) {
            var step = $(this).data('step');

        return false;


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      o JAVASCRIPT está assim:
      //Função para Chamar o Centro de Custo que o usuário deseja. listaDeptos(); var table = $('#deptsLista').dataTable({ "searching": true, "ordering": true, "info": true, "autoWidth": false, "pageLength": 5, "lengthMenu": [ 5, 10, 25, 50 ], "responsive": true, }); // list all employee in datatable function listaDeptos(){ $.ajax({ type : 'ajax', url : '<?=base_url()?>estoque/consumo/deptsList/', async : false, dataType : 'json', success : function(data){ var html = ''; var i; for(i=0; i<data.length; i++){ var datadpts = data[i].idDepartamento+"*"+data[i].departamento; html += '<tr>'+ '<td width="15%" style="text-align:center; font-size:16px;">'+data[i].idDepartamento+'</td>'+ '<td width="50%" style="text-align:left; font-size:16px;">'+data[i].departamento+'</td>'+ '<td width="10%" style="text-align:center;">'+ '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn_orgns" style="margin-right: 1%; padding: 2px 5px;" title="Selecionar Departamento" value="'+datadpts+'"><span class="fa fa-check"></span></button>'+ '</td>'+ '</tr>'; } //Fim - For $('#itensDeptos').html(html); } //Fim - success }); //Fim - ajax } //Fim - function /*---Função para Capturar o Departamento selecionado---*/ $(document).on("click",".btn_orgns",function(){ dpts = $(this).val(); infodpts = dpts.split("*"); $("#idCentrocusto").val(infodpts[0]); $("#nameCentrocusto").val(infodpts[1]); $("#modal_deptsOrigem").modal("hide"); //Função para Atualizar o Status do Botão statusPesqProd(); }); //Função para Gerar a Lista de Produtos por Centro de Custo via AJAX. listaProduts(); var table = $('#prdsLista').dataTable({ "searching": true, "ordering": true, "info": true, "autoWidth": false, "pageLength": 5, "lengthMenu": [ 5, 10, 25, 50 ], "responsive": true, }); // list all employee in datatable function listaProduts(){ $.ajax({ type : 'ajax', url : '<?=base_url()?>estoque/consumo/produtsList/', //< como passo aqui o ID do Centro de Custo Selecionado para Gerar a Lista de Produtos async : false, dataType : 'json', success : function(data){ var html = ''; var i; for(i=0; i<data.length; i++){ var prds = data[i].idProdutos+"*"+data[i].cod_interno+"*"+data[i].descricao+"*"+data[i].prd_unid+"*"+data[i].estoque_atual; html += '<tr>'+ '<td width="15%" style="text-align:center; font-size:16px;">'+data[i].cod_interno+'</td>'+ '<td width="50%" style="text-align:left; font-size:16px;">'+data[i].descricao+'</td>'+ '<td width="15%" style="text-align:center; font-size:16px;">'+data[i].prd_unid+'</td>'+ '<td width="15%" style="text-align:center; font-size:16px;">'+data[i].estoque_atual+'</td>'+ '<td width="12%" style="text-align:center;">'+ '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-prod" style="margin-right: 1%; padding: 2px 5px;" title="Selecionar Produto" value="'+prds+'"><span class="fa fa-check"></span></button>'+ '</td>'+ '</tr>'; } //Fim - For $('#itensProds').html(html); } //Fim - success }); //Fim - ajax } //Fim - function  
      a CONTROLLER está assim:
      //Função para Criar Lista - Produtos Data Tables com AJAX function produtsList(){ $data = $this->consumo_model->prodsList(); echo json_encode($data); }  

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