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[Resolvido] Abrir URL na DIV, no IE

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Estou com o script abaixo, onde consigo abrir URL no brownser, porém, funciona em todos os NAVEGADORES, tipo: GOOGLE e FIREFOX, porém, no IE não.
Existe alguma outra alternativa conhecida para contornar isso...

Preciso de basicamente, IE funcione.

#conteudo, #iframe{
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	margin: 0 auto;
	overflow: auto;
<script src=""></script>
	$(function () {
		$('#conteudo').html('<object id="iframe" data=""/>');


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abrindo o console do IE, ele é versão 9, 
atribuindo o valor MODO DE DOCUMENTO: PADROES DO IE9, funciona, abre na tela, porém, dá o seguinte erro.
teria que funcionar sem ter que fazer isso.



SCRIPT5007: Não é possível obter valor da propriedade 'split': o objeto é nulo ou não definido 
tm43281.js, linha 1 Caractere 3692


	var nvg43281 = window.nvg43281 || new function () {
		this.w = window;
		this.d = document;
		this.version = 8;
		this.url = this.dom = this.usr = this.ctr = this.wct = this.wcc = this.qry = this.nvgc = this.nvgsc = this.nvgt = this.crl = this.hca = this.hld = this.debug = this.hat = this.isnew = 0;
		this.wst = this.dsy = 1;
		this.syn = this.val = this.nvg = '';
		this.schema = '//';
		this.acc = 43281;
		this.account = 43281;
		this.wct = true;
		this.dsy = false;
		this.wst = false;
		this.schema = 'https://';
		this.account && (this.acc = this.account);
		this.ckn = 'nav' + this.acc;
		this.ser = ['', ''];
		this.seg = "gender age education marital income city region country connection brand product interest career cluster prolook custom industry everybuyer".split(" ");
		this.preLoad = function () {
			if ( == -1) this.dom = '';
			if (!this.dom) this.dom = this.__getTLD();
			try {
				var n_schema = new URL(document.getElementById('navegg').src);
				if (n_schema.protocol == "https:") this.schema = "https://";
			catch (e) {};
			if (this.getParameter('navegg_debug') == '1') this.debug = 1;
			this.nvg = this.getCookie(this.ckn) || 0;
			if (this.nvg) {
				this.nvg = this.nvg.split('_');
				this.usr = this.nvg[0].split('|');
				this.syn = this.usr[1] ? '|' + this.usr[1] : '';
				this.ctr = this.nvg[1] || false;
				this.usr = this.usr[0];
			if (typeof (this.w.localStorage) == "object") {
				var lsv = this.w.localStorage.getItem(this.ckn);
				if (lsv) {
					try {
						lsv = lsv.split(':');
						this.ctr = lsv[1];
						this.val = lsv[2].split('_');
					catch (e) {};
				else this.ctr = false;
			if (!this.val && this.nvg[2]) this.val = this.nvg[2].split(':');
			if (this.tmc) this.include('', 'script', this.tmc);
		this.load = function () {
			if (this.hld) return false;
			this.hld = 1;
			if (!this.usr || this.tmg || this.ctr != this.datestr() || this.debug || !this.syn) {
				var url = '/usr?v=' + this.version;
				url += '&acc=' + this.acc;
				if (!this.ctr || (this.ctr != this.datestr())) url += '&upd=1';
				if (this.usr) {
					url += '&id=' + this.usr;
					if (!this.syn) url += '&jds=1';
				else {
					url += '&new=1';
					this.isnew = 1;
				if (!this.wst) url += '&wst=0';
				if (this.wct) url += '&wct=1';
				if (!this.dsy) url += '&dsy=0';
				if (this.debug) url += '&rdn=' + parseInt(Math.random() * 1e8);
				this.include(this.schema + this.ser[0] + url, 'script');
			if (this.nvg && !this.debug) this.saveRequest(this.usr);
			if (typeof (this.loadAddOns) == "function") this.loadAddOns();
		this.start = function (id, values) {
			if (this.usr != id || this.ctr != this.datestr() && id != '') {
				this.usr = id;
				document.cookie = this.ckn + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';
				this.setCookie(this.ckn, id + this.syn + '_' + this.datestr());
				this.usr = id;
			if (values) {
				this.val = values.split('_');
				if (this.wcc && values) this.cokCustom(id + this.syn);
				if (typeof (this.dataCustom) == "function") this.dataCustom();
			this.saveLocal(this.ckn, this.usr + ':' + this.datestr() + ':' + (values || ''));
			if (!this.nvg && !this.debug) this.saveRequest(id);
		this.makeCampaign = function () {
			var cam_cok = (this.getCookie('nvgc' + this.acc) || '0|0').split('|');
			this.hca && (this.nvgc = this.getParameter('nvgc') || this.getCampaignUrl() || cam_cok[0] || 0);
			this.nvgsc = this.getStandartCampaign() || cam_cok[1] || 0;
			this.setCookie('nvgc' + this.acc, this.nvgc + '|' + this.nvgsc, 30);
		this.makeTransaction = function () {
			var camTTL = 30;
			this.nvgt = this.getCookie('nvgt' + this.acc);
			var d = new Date();
			if (this.nvgt) {
				this.nvgt = this.nvgt.split('_');
				this.nvgt[2] = this.nvgt[2].split("|");
				this.nvgt[3] = this.nvgt[3].split("|");
				if (this.nvgt[2][0] != this.nvgc || this.nvgt[2][1] != this.nvgsc) {
					var time = (d.getTime() - parseInt(this.nvgt[0]));
					time = camTTL * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 - time;
					time = time / (60 * 1000);
					this.setCookie('nvgt' + this.acc, this.nvgt[0] + '_2_' + (this.nvgc + '|' + this.nvgsc) + '_' + (this.nvgc || this.nvgt[3][0] || 0) + '|' + (this.nvgsc || this.nvgt[3][1] || 0), time);
			else this.setCookie('nvgt' + this.acc, d.getTime() + '_1_' + (this.nvgc + '|' + this.nvgsc) + '_' + (this.nvgc + '|' + this.nvgsc), camTTL * 24 * 60);
			this.nvgt = this.getCookie('nvgt' + this.acc).split('_');
			this.nvgt[2] = this.nvgt[2].split("|");
			this.nvgt[3] = this.nvgt[3].split("|");
		this.conversion = function (valor) {
			if (!this.nvgt) this.makeTransaction();
			var url = this.schema + this.ser[1] + '/req?acc=' + this.acc + '&id=' + this.usr + '&nvt=' + this.nvgt[0] + '&nvc=' + (this.nvgt[3][0] || '') + '&nsc=' + (this.nvgt[3][1] || '') + '&revenue=' + (valor || '0');
			this.nvgt = false;
			this.setCookie('nvgt' + this.acc, '', 1 / 1E6);
		this.saveRequest = function (profile) {
			var a;
			var func = this.include.bind(this);
			this.par = '/req?v=' + this.version;
			this.par += '&id=' + profile + this.syn;
			this.par += '&acc=' + this.acc;
			if (!this.ctr || (this.ctr != this.datestr())) this.par += '&upd=1';
			if (this.isnew) this.par += '&new=1';
			if (this.product) this.par += '&prd=' + this.product;
			if (this.category) this.par += '&cat=' + this.category;
			if (this.url) this.par += '&url=' + escape(this.url);
			if (this.d.referrer) this.par += '&ref=' + escape(this.d.referrer);
			this.par += '&tit=' + escape(this.d.title);
			if (a = this.getCookie('__utmz')) this.par += '&utm=' + escape(a);
			if (this.hat) this.par += '&h1=' + escape(this.getH1());
			this.nvgc && (this.par += '&nvc=' + this.nvgc);
			this.nvgsc && (this.par += '&nsc=' + this.nvgsc);
			this.nvgt && (this.par += '&nvt=' + this.nvgt[0] + '&nvts=' + this.nvgt[1]);
			this.getParameter('nvgc') && (this.par += '&clk=1');
			func(this.schema + this.ser[1] + this.par);
			if (typeof navegg_callback == "function") try {
			catch (e) {};
		this.getH1 = function () {
			function __get_children(element) {
				if (element.children.length) return __get_children(element.children[0]);
				if (element.tagName == "IMG") return element.alt || '';
				return element.innerText;
			var h1;
			h1 = document.getElementsByTagName('h1');
			if (!h1.length) return '';
			return __get_children(h1[0]);
		this.call_callbacks = function () {
			function callUserFunc(userFunc) {
				if (typeof userFunc == "function") try {
				catch (e) {};

			function AsyncExecutor(pending) {
				if (typeof pending != "undefined" && pending.length)
					for (var i = 0; i < pending.length; i++) callUserFunc(pending[i]);
			AsyncExecutor.prototype.push = function (userFunc) {
			this.w.naveggReady = new AsyncExecutor(this.w.naveggReady);
		this.setCustom = function (custom) {
			var toCus = '/req';
			var func = typeof (navigator.sendBeacon) == 'function' ? navigator.sendBeacon.bind(navigator) : this.include.bind(this);
			toCus += '?acc=' + this.acc;
			if (this.usr) toCus += '&id=' + this.usr;
			toCus += '&cus=' + custom;
			func(this.schema + this.ser[1] + toCus);
		this.__getTLD = function () {
			var tld, parts, parcial = ""
				, x, d, result, val, coknm;
			coknm = 'nvgTLD' + this.account;
			d = new Date();
			val = d.getTime();
			tld = window.localStorage.getItem('nvgTLD');
			if (tld) return tld;
			parts = window.location.hostname.split(".");
			for (x = parts.length - 1; x > 0; x--) {
				parcial = "." + parts[x] + parcial;
				d.setTime(d.getTime() + 5 * 1000);
				document.cookie = coknm + '=' + val + ';expires=' + (d.toGMTString()) + ';domain=' + parcial;
				result = this.getCookie(coknm);
				if (result == val) {
					window.localStorage.setItem('nvgTLD', parcial);
					d = new Date();
					document.cookie = coknm + '=' + val + ';expires=' + (d.toGMTString()) + ';domain=' + parcial;
					return parcial;
			return '.' + window.location.hostname;
		this.getSegment = function (fld) {
			if (fld == 'everybuyer') fld = 'industry';
			else if (fld == 'everyone') fld = 'cluster';
			var pos = this.findOf(fld, this.seg);
			return 0 > pos ? '' : this.val[pos] || '';
		this.getParameter = function (fld) {
			if (this.qry == 0) {
				this.qry = {};
				var prmstr =;
				var prmarr = prmstr.split("&");
				for (var i = 0; i < prmarr.length; i++) {
					var tmparr = prmarr[i].split("=");
					this.qry[tmparr[0]] = tmparr[1];
			return this.qry[fld] || '';
		this.cokCustom = function () {
			var res = [];
			for (var x in this.seg) {
				var c = [];
				var a = this.getSegment(this.seg[x]);
				if (a.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
					a = a.split('-');
					for (var b = 0; a[b] && b < 10; b++) c[b] = a[b];
					res[x] = c.join('-');
				res[x] = a;
			res = res.join(':');
			this.setCookie(this.ckn, this.usr + this.syn + '_' + this.datestr() + '_' + res);
		this.getCookie = function (name) {
			var start = this.d.cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
			var len = start + name.length + 1;
			if ((!start) && (name != this.d.cookie.substring(0, name.length))) return null;
			if (start == -1) return null;
			var end = this.d.cookie.indexOf(";", len);
			if (end == -1) end = this.d.cookie.length;
			return unescape(this.d.cookie.substring(len, end));
		this.setCookie = function (fld, vle, ttl) {
			var ltd = '';
			if (this.dom) ltd = ';domain=' + this.dom;
			var d = new Date();
			if (ttl != ttl || !ttl) ttl = 365 * 24 * 60;
			d.setTime(d.getTime() + (ttl * 60 * 1000));
			var ttl = d.toGMTString();
			this.d.cookie = fld + "=" + vle + ";expires=" + ttl + ";path=/" + ltd;
		this.datestr = function () {
			var now = new Date();
			var start = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 0);
			var diff = now - start;
			var oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
			return Math.ceil(diff / oneDay).toString();
		this.__set_custom_fp = function (custom) {
			var cus_n = 'nvgcus' + this.acc;
			var cus_l = window.localStorage.getItem(cus_n);
			if (cus_l) {
				cus_l = cus_l.split('-');
				if (cus_l.indexOf(custom.toString()) == -1) cus_l.push(custom.toString());
				cus_l = cus_l.join('-');
			else cus_l = custom;
			window.localStorage.setItem(cus_n, cus_l);
			var pos = this.findOf('custom', this.seg);
			var act_l = this.val[pos] || '';
			act_l = act_l.split('-');
			if (act_l.indexOf(custom.toString()) == -1) act_l.push(custom.toString());
			this.val[pos] = act_l.join('-');
		this.__load_custom_fp = function () {
			var cus_n = 'nvgcus' + this.acc;
			var cus_l = window.localStorage.getItem(cus_n);
			if (cus_l) {
				cus_l = cus_l.split('-');
				var pos = this.findOf('custom', this.seg);
				var act_l = this.val[pos] || '';
				act_l = act_l.split('-');
				var nvg_x;
				if (act_l[0] == "") act_l = Array();
				for (nvg_x = 0; nvg_x < cus_l.length; nvg_x++)
					if (act_l.indexOf(cus_l[nvg_x]) == -1) act_l.push(cus_l[nvg_x]);
				this.val[pos] = act_l.join('-');
		this.include = function (src, inctype, html, nvgasync) {
			if (inctype == '' || inctype == undefined) inctype = "script";
			if (nvgasync === '' || nvgasync === undefined) nvgasync = true;
			var c = this.d.createElement(inctype);
			if (inctype == 'script') c.type = "text/javascript";
			if (html) c.text = html;
			else c.src = src;
			c.async = nvgasync;
			var p = this.d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
			p.parentNode.insertBefore(c, p);
		this.saveLocal = function (id, data) {
			window.localStorage.setItem(id, data);
		this.doSync = function (version) {
			var cok = this.getCookie(this.ckn) || '';
			cok = cok.split('_');
			if (cok[0].search(/\|/) >= 0) {
				cok[0] = cok[0].split('|');
				cok[0] = cok[0][0];
			cok[0] += '|' + version;
			cok = cok.join('_');
			this.setCookie(this.ckn, cok);
		this.findOf = function (val, ar) {
			if (typeof ar != 'object') return -1;
			for (var x in ar)
				if (ar[x] == val) return x;
			return -1;
		this.regexEscape = function (text) {
			return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
		this.getCampaignUrl = function () {
			if (this.crl) {
				var nvg_arr_pos, nvg_pos, nvg_camId, nvg_rules, nvg_key, nvg_value, nvg_data, nvg_all_match, nvg_cam_found = 0;
				for (nvg_arr_pos = 0; nvg_arr_pos < this.crl.length; nvg_arr_pos++) {
					nvg_all_match = true;
					nvg_camId = this.crl[nvg_arr_pos][0];
					nvg_rules = this.crl[nvg_arr_pos][1];
					for (nvg_pos = 0; nvg_pos < nvg_rules.length; nvg_pos++) {
						nvg_key = nvg_rules[nvg_pos][0];
						nvg_value = nvg_rules[nvg_pos][1];
						nvg_data = this.getParameter(nvg_key);
						if (nvg_data)
							if (!nvg_value) nvg_cam_found = nvg_camId;
							else if (nvg_data == nvg_value) nvg_cam_found = nvg_camId;
						else {
							nvg_cam_found = 0;
							nvg_all_match = false;
						else {
							nvg_cam_found = 0;
							nvg_all_match = false;
					if (nvg_cam_found && nvg_all_match) {
						this.qry.nvgc = nvg_cam_found;
						return nvg_cam_found;
			return 0;
		this.getStandartCampaign = function () {
			var x, y, tmp_result, std_cam, std_rules, std_rule, rules = [['-5', [['utm_source', 'amnet']]], ['-4', [['utm_source', 'criteo']]], ['-1', [['utm_source', 'google'], ['utm_source', 'adwords']]], ['-2', [['utm_source', 'facebook'], ['utm_source', 'fb'], ['utm_medium', 'facebook']]], ['-3', [['utm_source', 'twitter'], ['utm_medium', 'social']]]];
			for (x = 0; x < rules.length; x++) {
				std_cam = rules[x][0];
				std_rules = rules[x][1];
				for (y = 0; y < std_rules.length; y++) {
					std_rule = std_rules[y];
					if (this.getParameter(std_rule[0]).toLowerCase().search(std_rule[1]) >= 0) return std_cam;
			return 0;

	function nvgGetSegment(f) {
		return nvg43281.getSegment(f);

	function ltgc(s) {
		return nvg43281.getSegment(s);

acusa neste script...
acima, mas acho q não tem nada a ver....

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Não manjo muito de Crossbrowser, mas sem acesso acho meio impossivel.


Simular um 'Agent' diferente?




@William Bruno

alguma ideia?

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resolvi assim, fui a unica alternativa, funciona nos 3 brownsers::: IE, FIREFOX e GOOGLE:

	iframe {
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		margin: 0 auto;
		overflow: auto;
		overflow-x: hidden;
		border: none;
	iframe:focus {
		outline: none;
<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
	setTimeout(function () {
		var codigourl = window.location.pathname; 										//GET a url completa
		var codigoid  = codigourl.substring(codigourl.lastIndexOf('/cod=')); 		    //MONTA a url toda e pega somente o que preciso, no caso, o ID depois de (?d=)
		var contador  = 0; 																//CONTADOR para que eu possa exibir somente uma vez o REFRESH/INTERVALO da função.
		var carrega   = setInterval(function () {
			$("#conteudo").attr('src', 'dashboard/default.aspx?d="'+ codigoid +'"')
		  if (++contador > 0) clearInterval(carrega); 									//SE CONTADOR, maior q zero, para TUDO.
		}, 100);
	}, 100);

<iframe id="conteudo"></iframe>

Fica como exemplo de uso...
até mais, e obrigado...


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      Eu tenho o seguinte código:
      var jElement = $('.fixar_banner');
          if ( $(this).scrollTop() > 120 ){
      Porém, eu quero que a div fique fixa até que outro elemento apareça na tela, tipo o rodapé da página por exemplo. É mais ou menos como a página de notícia do uol.
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